Oraspa from Sea to Shining Sea!
From California to New Jersey, we have had the privilege of visiting some of our Oraspa offices; Gentle Dentistry in Sparta, New Jersey to Dr. Eric Zaremski's office outside of San Francisco. Anyone who goes to a dentist and lives near these offices should run not walk to receive dental treatment. These are the offices that you would send your family to. The genuine care and love that is given to each individual patient is a cut above the rest. Nadine, in New Jersey, even has an Oraspa license plate!
The Sonoma, California Oraspa Certification Course in April was a success! What a venue to receive CE's! The Sonoma film festival was there at the same time along with Tomato Mania, where there was a festival with organic off-hybrid tomato plants.
Our first set of grand-twins in Carlsbad, California brought us to San Diego along with La Costa Resort and Spa. Enjoying taking care of babies in Carlsbad and relaxing at the Spa in the evening. The Chopra Institute was in full force with yoga classes, meditation and wellness. Learning from the professionals at La Costa Spa was a treat and all of the Oraspa therapists that take The DentalSpa Plus Course will benefit from the new techniques. Looking forward to our Level One June course in Chicago!
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- Written by oradmin
The DentalSpa is finally coming to the dental treatment room near you!
After years of inquiries by dentists on why we don't have The DentalSpa by Oraspa in restorative so that they may use the practices that the hygienists use, has now come to life! However, it is not the same as the hygienist's oral cancer exam, thyroid screening, and dermatological exam that is called "touch therapy". We have incorporated a certification for the dentist and the dental assistant using hot and cold stone therapy to relax the orofacial muscles and reduce inflammation during the dental treatment. Nothing has been done like this before in dentistry using your current personnel. Once again, it is not massage but a holistic way of making the patient's dental visit more comfortable. It is so exciting to see the results on a patient that leaves their dental appointment without soreness, inflammation and swelling even after the anesthesia wears off!
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- Written by oradmin
Vancouver, British Columbia: DentalSpa is new to the Canadians!
British Columbia just got "Spa-aaah-ed"! I was in Vancouver speaking at the Pacific Dental Conference and presented on a variety of dental hygiene subjects in integrative dentistry. First of all, I could hardly catch my breath with the beauty of the scenery. The Olympic flame, Whistler, sea planes landing and getting gas at the cute Chevron station in the middle of the lake, Copper River Salmon, my new favorite pig out food! Dental hygiene and dentistry in Canada is similar but different to those of us that work in the states.
Dental hygiene jobs are scarce like they are here in the states but yet, the patients are a-plenty! There is no lack of patients in a dental office but yet the dentists don't provide the public with enough dental hygiene services to provide for all involved. I asked my Canadian colleagues why that is. Their response was that the dentists don't have time to "check" all of the patients. I responded with,"So what, don't check the patients". If I were a dentist in Canada, I would employ 25 hygienists if I had to that met the public's needs and provide employment for hygienists. Dental hygienists can even have their own practices and that somehow is not appealing to the hygienist. Dental patients, otherwise, have to wait 9-12 months to get an appointment. Something just doesn't add up here. Our problem in the states is that we not only don't have enough employment opportunities for the clinical hygienist, but the dental industry itself is having a tough time getting the dental chairs filled. Not with Oraspa!
I loved talking with the many dental personnel, dental assistants, dentists, other speakers. Everyone was so kind and the venue was impeccable. My favorite kiosk at the Vancouver Convention Center was the green apple station that had a huge apple sign at the top that said, "Bite Me!"
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- Written by oradmin
Chicago Midwinter Meeting: A Success! On to The Hinman in Atlanta!
The initiation of Oraspa™ into the major trade shows, like the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, has begun! What an experience! The emotion of having your lifelong passion in dentistry finally come to fruition and I am ever so grateful to VOCO America, Inc. for partnering in this process. Sharing The DentalSpa™ sample at the booth was a dream come true. It is has allowed us to be able to literally “touch” the recipient instead of having to explain what Oraspa is about. The recipients “got it” within 30 seconds! A few of my favorite recipients were Dr. Roy Irons, President of the National Dental Association (NDA) enjoyed the DentalSpa so much that it warranted a hug afterwards! And Dr. Garrett Sato from Los Angeles, didn't want to leave! Angie Stone, with Xlear and editor of Hygiene Tribune, and Anne Guignon, speaker extraordinaire, are dear old friends that were finally able to get a "feel" of what the DentalSpa is like. And who can forget Dr. Chris Kammer, Founder of American Association of Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH), that made the oral systemic connection with Oraspa and loved it! It was a pleasure being able to meet and give the DentalSpa experience to so many old and new friends! This was such a success that we will see you at the VOCO booth in Atlanta at the Hinman next month in March!
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- Written by oradmin
Chicago Midwinter Meeting 2012: We have finally arrived!
I am so excited about the CDS Midwinter Meeting next week! VOCO Dentalists, a restorative and now hygiene product company out of Germany, has asked Oraspa to be featured in their booth at Midwinter. Booth #2043 – we will be giving out complimentary samples of the DentalSpa™ therapy. So come on by and relax and rest your feet and back and get a “feel” for what Oraspa is about! VOCO has some pretty cool products, their ReminPro™, is like MI Paste™ except it has Xylitol and is 20% less expensive. I’m in!
What’s with this fabulous weather here in balmy Chicago? My husband says you can thank him for the lack of snow because he just bought a $700 snow blower named “Big Red”, and knew he wouldn’t be able to use it once he spent the money on it! LOL.
Speaking of Chicago, we will begin monthly Oraspa Certification Courses out of Chicago starting in June 2012, so check out the dates and sign up, classes are intimate and limited.
If you need any Oraspa products, just go on the contact us page and let us know what you need. We’re working on our Shop page so we can share all of our products with you.
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- Written by oradmin
Dental Patients Help To Drive Dental Practice Revenue Up
Welcome to the first Oraspa™ blog!
Beginning in 1986, for the first 10 years dentists thought I was crazy. “A Dental Spa, what’s that?!” After working with rhythmic movement and creating the comprehensive extra-oral cancer exam, adding the science of essential oils, and a music therapist who thought this was the greatest thing since dental floss, the birth of the Dental Spa began. Throughout the years, the dentists that I worked with trusted my competency as a hygienist and as a researcher. They knew I did my homework and executed everything clinically above excellence. As I developed the technique and environment and learned about the various reasons for anxiety in the dental office, this all made sense to me. Why not create a relaxing atmosphere in a highly anxious environment?
The patients immediately took to the procedure during their prophy. So many were eager to help and aid in suggestions on comfort. They couldn’t wait for their next cleaning to see what I was doing next that was new! They began to tell their friends and co-workers and then they would call the office for their Dentalspa treatment. The dentists were still unsure of patient acceptance. Once I treated the dentist, he couldn’t believe it, he didn’t want to get out of the chair.
Then a little bit of jealousy set in, why were the patients so much more receptive to treatment in my room? Who cares?! It was weird. He was getting new patient referrals, revenue was up, patients LOVED the DentalSpa and were proud that he offered this at no charge….what in the world? I contend because they were relaxed and trusted the hygienist with her recommendation.
Nevertheless, today and 20 years later he is laughing all the way to the bank.
Moral of the story: Trust your employees to shine at what they do best, it only reflects positively on YOU! Support their efforts and you will reap the rewards!
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- Written by oradmin
Franchise Model for Oraspa
After graduating from the Oraspa Certification Course, Oraspa Therapists and their dentists have been so enthusiastic about being connected with Oraspa and our philosophies. It is the future of the patient-driven services that we should be providing our patients. They deserve it and appreciate it and the dentists associated with Oraspa are seeing the fruits of their labor. They want more!
Oraspa has developed the Level Two Certification Course that provides business training and advanced techniques in The DentalSpa. Secondly, per demand, we have created The DentalSpa Dental Assistant Certification and The DentalSpa Team Retreat because dentists want to be intimately involved with Oraspa. Hygienists are interested in developing their own career outside and part time along with their clinical dental hygiene position in Oraspa. Oraspa has now created franchise opportunities for those that can't get enough and want to personalize the Oraspa brand in their office. We are so excited to be able to share what we already view as a successful part of the dental practice, probably the most memorable portion of the dental visit. With franchising Oraspa, you can hold your own DentalSpa Certification Courses, do lunch and learns, exhibit at small and large conferences. Speak, teach, train and write about the invincible technique in your own location or take it on the road!
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- Written by Debra Grant